Saturday, December 25, 2010

Family Tree

MERRY CHRISTMAS. is this large enough? found this at the Getty and fell in love.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Existential Christianity

Existentialists believe that people look outside to find meaning in life when in reality, existence precedes essence. Existentialists think meaning can only be found in self, not in the actions done by others or the in the patterns of society. Existentialists assert that people can live their entire lives not making one decision on their own. They think man finds comfort in finding meaning and having purpose. Man is afraid to confront the fact that life is meaningless. Non-existentialists fear silence or anything that reminds them that there is no significance in life.
Though many think of these thinkers as atheists, they actually seem to hold onto some type of faith. In other words, there can be an existential Christian, or Muslim, or Buddhist. Now, how can that be possible if they criticize those who seek meaning in places other than self?
This has been in my mind for about a week now since my English class started a unit on existentialism and absurdist drama. It's very interesting, all this philosophy and delving to the core of life and the human thought. But, I'm the type that gets sick of it eventually and ask what the point of all this is.

My answer is, at least as a daughter of God, the relationship between God and man is not solely dependent on the solutions to the afterlife. Following God involves constant self-reflection, and recognizing that one's life is "nothing but vapor." Life "means" something when God comes into the equation. However, He is not some outside force, but One that dwells within the believer. Therefore, his or her existence justifies the belief in God. Skeptics may think God is man's device to comfort himself, but in actuality, following God is giving up comfort. It is a constant struggle. If there is one thing I learned this year, it's that complacency and inactivity means something is wrong. There really shouldn't be such thing as a "spiritual plateau" where we wait for God to work in us. We (i tend to use "we" but this all applies to me) often forget all we need to do is "ask, seek, and knock," for more of Him, because He is waiting to "give, find, and open" for us.

i think this was more of a journal entry for myself. i went off tangent slightly.
Knock (isn't that cool?)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Forehead to chin,

Her finger traces

Down hills and slopes of

Recounted tales and

Still raw wounds –

Red like the cherry blossoms

Her mothers sang and spoke to.

She stands before the mirror,

Longing to hear the silent rebuke.

It pleads her not to stand still,

Not to sit down,

Not to let those scars heal.

She, herself, will walk

Down hills and slopes

Her daughters will trace

Forehead to chin.